The Ginger Geezer biog of Vivian was launched yesterday at a bash in London. The packed venue rang with hilarity and it was a real celebration of the man's life. What made it particularly special was Neil Innes getting up to have a bash on the keyboard with Rod Slater on sax, Vernon Dudley Bohay Nowell on the saw and Chris Welch on drums. Plus a couple of other musicians whose names I have shamefully forgotten. They were all clearly having so much fun, it was quite infectious and the punters joined in with Sheik of Araby and many other classics. Larry Smith, Roger Wilkes, producer Gus Dudgeon, Monica Stanshall, Mark Stanshall, Silky Longfellow Stanshall and many others helped to make it a really special night and a thrill for fans. So if you haven't bought a copy of the book, get out there and get your copy now.